Recent line moves
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- 9:26 AM: NCAAB (535) Albany NY moved to 11
- 9:26 AM: NHL (40) Tampa Bay Lightning moved to 165
- 9:25 AM: NCAAB (523) Vermont moved to 136
- 9:24 AM: NHL (40) Tampa Bay Lightning moved to 166
- 9:23 AM: NBA (574) Utah Jazz moved to 222½
- 9:22 AM: NCAAB (757) Purdue moved to 0½ (1st half)
- 9:22 AM: NHL (43) Anaheim Ducks moved to 6un20
- 9:22 AM: NCAAB (799) VMI moved to 157½
- 9:21 AM: NCAAB (536) New Hampshire moved to 145
- 9:21 AM: NCAAB (760) Ohio State moved to 4
- 9:21 AM: NHL (43) Anaheim Ducks moved to 6un15
- 9:20 AM: NHL (43) Anaheim Ducks moved to 5½ov30
- 9:19 AM: NBA (571) Atlanta Hawks moved to 123 (1st half)
- 9:19 AM: NCAAB (757) Purdue moved to 1½
- 9:18 AM: NHL (41) Toronto Maple Leafs moved to 5½ov15
- 9:17 AM: NCAAB (523) Vermont moved to 136½
- 9:15 AM: NCAAB (538) Stetson moved to 2½
- 9:15 AM: NBA (565) Golden State Warriors moved to 108 (1st half)
- 9:13 AM: NCAAB (540) Austin Peay moved to 8½
- 9:13 AM: NBA (561) Toronto Raptors moved to 116 (1st half)
- 9:13 AM: NCAAB (540) Austin Peay moved to 9
- 9:13 AM: NCAAB (837) Eastern Washington moved to 150
- 9:12 AM: NCAAB (524) UMass Lowell moved to 6
- 9:11 AM: NCAAB (535) Albany NY moved to 11½
- 9:10 AM: NCAAB (523) Vermont moved to 136
- 9:10 AM: NCAAB (756) Chattanooga moved to 3½
- 9:09 AM: NCAAB (523) Vermont moved to 136½
- 9:09 AM: NCAAB (793) Morehead State moved to 135½
- 9:08 AM: NCAAB (775) Northeastern moved to 59½ (1st half)
- 9:08 AM: NCAAB (775) Northeastern moved to 127½