Huddle Up Sports

Huddle Up Sports

Jim, the man behind Huddle Up Sports has become known as "Big Johnson" in the world of sports betting. He's been professionally handicapping for over 13 years and playing for 23. He's become a monster force in the business since taking over Huddle Up Sports 4 years ago. Although he's made money for thousands of people in baseball and basketball, he excels in football. "The Huddle" understands how important Mondays are, so we start working on Monday night games as soon as the lines come out. Besides dominating Monday night football, we also excel with our specialty, the High Roller Total. At nearly 80% last year, the High Roller Total is well worth the small investment as you'll get all our regular winners plus the easiest total on the board.

Tuesday Update:

College Basketball NIT Lock of the Year
4 Basketball Best Bets


Tuesday Totals Update

High Roller Total:

Golden State/Miami NBA
4 Basketball Best Bet Totals

Packages available from Huddle Up Sports


Tuesday Totals Update

High Roller Total:

Golden State/Miami NBA
4 Basketball Best Bet Totals


Tuesday Update:

College Basketball NIT Lock of the Year
4 Basketball Best Bets

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